7 Tips for Making the Most of Your Training
If you’re spending your time and money on personal training, you deserve to get great results. As your trainers we are here to guide you, teach you, and motivate you but you have to be the one to put forth the effort. Remember, showing up for a workout is not the same as working out.
1. Drink Water. This is the single most important thing you can do for your body. No less than 8 cups (4 bottles) a day, no excuses. Use natural water infusions but try to stay away from additives and artificial sweeteners. Did I mention that there are no excuses?
2. Show up on time. Every minute you’re late takes away time you have scheduled and can throw off your workout plan. Life happens and we all run late on occasion but if you are arriving 10 minutes early for your warm up this should not be an issue. If you need to cancel a session a 12 hour notice is expected.
3. Clean up your eating. No amount of working out can override a less than ideal diet. Incorporate more whole, natural foods, and limit eating out. Your trainer can spot a bad diet in your measurements so be truthful about what you eat, end of story. If you feel that you need to hide the fact that you are eating something then you shouldn’t be eating it. Turn in your weekly logs or you may be removed from the following week’s schedule.
4. Don’t be negative. Your trainer will have a hard time managing your program and results if you claim to be exercising more or eating better than you really are. Be honest and open about what you’re willing to do; then let your trainer be honest and open about the results you can expect. Remove the word “can’t” from your vocabulary, there is always a modification.
5. Set clear goals. You trainer cannot set goals for you, they can guide you in the right direction, educate you on healthy goals, but ultimately you have to want it. Use the acronym SMART for your goal setting and handwrite all goals in your log or journal.
6. Come into the gym on your own. Show your trainer that you are making an effort and not relying solely on them to do the thinking for you. Your training program is a partnership and if you are here to make a change and become more healthy and fit then show it! Enthusiasm breeds success.
7. Be well rested. Your fitness recovery and progress, as well as your available energy for workouts hinge on adequate sleep. Showing up exhausted drastically limits the potential of your sessions and increases risk of injury.

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