Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Moving Toward Balance

There is always something.

If I had __(a)____ then I could do __(b)____, or I would be a better _(c)____.  How many times have you obtained (a) only to find yourself not doing (b) or being (c)?  At the risk of sounding like an algebra equation, think about it.  As long as we are yearning for something out of our reach we will always have an excuse not to be our best self right now, at this very moment.

So I challenge you to stop for 3 minutes and think about something that you have really been wanting to do but keep putting it on the back burner.  Start small, something you can do today or this week and then DO IT! Make a phone call to a friend, read a book, try out that new recipe you have been eyeing on Pinterest.  In fact, leave a comment if you are willing to share on what you plan to do.

Find out how good it feels to accomplish something that you have been putting off, you're going to want to do it again and again! 
It is so easy, talk about instant gratification!  Notice however, as you start experiencing these mini moments of glory how you begin to glide through your To-Do lists, you feel more confident, you doubt yourself less, and it is easier for you to follow through with plans.

So how does this relate to balance?
Once you stop daydreaming about what you wish you could maybe be doing and start making decisions, commitments to yourself, your family, and your happiness become second nature.  You have created a flow within your life, you spend less time worrying about what might be or what could be and you're actually out there, living in the moment - one small step at a time.

I'm pretty sure that Devo summed it up the best
 "Shape it up! Get straight! Go forward! Move ahead!"

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Put Me in Coach!

Working privately with a trainer is a great way to build confidence, learn a safe routine, and especially to overcome plateaus.  People often hire a trainer as a way to motivate themselves or to keep accountable in their fitness routine.  Once you become comfortable with programming your exercise you may speak with your trainer about switching roles.  
Ask your trainer if they offer a coaching relationship in which you take a more independent role in your activity and nutrition and your trainer meets with you at a scheduled time each week to track your progress.  One on one meetings are the best approach, but in a pinch you may also be able to check in with your trainer via phone or e-mail.  
While this trainer-client relationship is not for everyone, it may be just what you need to jump that next hurdle.  The client in this situation is able to become more independent and flexible with their routine, and the trainer is able to focus on smaller details and give more specific lifestyle training than he or she is able to offer while your meetings are centered strictly around workouts.
Me & Cardboard Richard Simmons at the Gift of Life 5k in 2012

Just remember, your trainer can't make the changes for you, so the more you know how to make progress on your own the more likely you are to make the progress.  When you find yourself only going to the gym to meet your trainer it's time for a change!  (Especially if you're only meeting your trainer 1-2x a week!) On the same note, if you're only going to the gym 1-2x a week it's not likely that you are going to continue without some motivation or accountability.  So take a few minutes, speak honestly with your trainer and together the two of you can come up with a program that suits your needs, your personality, and helps you achieve your goals efficiently!
For more information on the Motivating Wellness Coaching Program Click Here then call (409) 659-1036 or e-mail to discuss options that would work well for you!