Monday, November 4, 2013


Stretching isn't just something for your everyday exercise junkie or the yogi across the hall; it’s something we all do every day. We stretch as we wake up in the morning, when we start to feel tense at our desk, and even when we are tired at the end of a long day.

Hot spots for holding tension in our bodies typically include the neck, shoulders, low back, and hips.  We often feel achy and stiff just from a day at work; posture is king when it comes to being able to maintain a comfortable position throughout the day. 

Posture is an endurance event, spending hours at the desk is tough on these muscles.  For example, did you know that sitting hunched over a computer can lead to tight muscles in the chest and loose muscles of the upper back, or internally rotated shoulders – all causing pain in the neck, back, and shoulders?
Why is stretching important?
Stretching should be an essential part of any fitness program. It enables you to recruit as much of your muscle as possible while exercising. Stretching also promotes good recovery by taking the muscles back to a lengthened state after the shortening work they've just done. This helps to kick start the repair process bringing blood and nutrients to the muscles.  For those who are not currently participating in an exercise routine stretching can be a great first step to introducing activity and cam be especially helpful as we begin to age by helping to maintain balance and coordination.
5 of the Top Benefits of Stretching:
  1.  Increases flexibility
  2.  Decreases the chance of injury
  3.  Improves circulation
  4.  Increases balance and coordination
  5. Helps to alleviate back pain

Need some encouragement and instruction on what to do?
Join me on Tuesdays in November at 9:30 am for a 15 minute stretch in the Motivating Wellness studio. Free to all. Hope to see you there!

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