Thursday, September 4, 2014

Don't Be That Girl!

Seriously, please don't be the one.  Yes, that one - the one that runs into the gym in a panic 4 weeks (or maybe even less!) before the big event wanting to 'get in shape for (insert event here.)  It isn't a pretty conversation, there may be eye rolling and judging, and of course that underlying sense of desperation and urgency.  Save yourself the struggle.  And if your trainer promises results in that short of a time span it’s usually a good idea to check their credentials or find out just what kind of time or program they have in mind.

We currently have about 3 months until the holidays, maybe even less.  If you’re usually a last minute kind of person, this is your wake-up call! Now (as in today) is the time to start thinking about how you want to look in those holiday photos or that party dress.  You owe it to yourself to take the time to do it right.  There is no magic potion or quick fix that will get you there in a week, or even three weeks.  By starting a program at least three months out you give yourself time to sit down with a trainer or coach and get a clear picture of where you are at and then work to strengthen your weak areas whether it is exercise, diet, stress, or a combination of things.  To truly make a shift toward good health you must address the whole spectrum.  You must create a plan of action, and you must do your part when you are away from your coach!

When you try to tackle a goal with a shortened timeline you create extra stress both mentally and physically – you know you should have started sooner, but you didn't.  This extra stress works against you making progress at the very foundation of your body processes.  Just as you know that you can’t out train a bad diet, you can’t out train stress either…and let’s not even think about how food and stress go hand in hand!

The moral of this story is… don’t wait.  If you know you have some pounds to shed or some arms to tone then get on the ball and set up your program NOW! 

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